Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Engagement

Do They Have What it Takes?

The City of Nanjing wants to be a world class software development headquarters.  They have the assets.  There are more than 50 Universities here in Nanjing.  One of the colleges has a software institute that leads all of China in turning out software engineers.  Their curriculum is amazing and much deeper in focus on software engineering and full lifecycle of development than most American schools.

They have built software parks that look and produce like silicon valley.  Our visits to the governmental agencies are all focused on the mission of producing high value jobs.  They are willing to do what ever it takes to edge out India for software outsourcing.  Because of their manufacturing prowess, they are very skilled in embedded development.  They could become the Smarter Planet Showcase for the world.  They have built a Smarter Transportation System already.

Why haven't they taken over already?  That is what we are aiming to find out.

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